Friday, 23 March 2007

it appears i am too stupid to work out how to upload pictures to this blog.

well ive now tried to upload pictures to this blog maybe seven times on probably five different days. to be fair too myself it could be that my stupidity is not the only cause of the problem, as on most occasions (or at least those rare occasions when the internet connection doesnt crash mid way through) this wonderful website informs me that the picture was uploaded sucessfully and all i have to do is click 'done' to add it too my blog. a simple enough process no doubt the only slight glitch occurs when one realises that there is no 'done' button to click, a seemingly insurmountable problem. now i know that the 'done' button does exist and that this is not some strange paradoxical zen puzzle for me to decipher. once i did see it and even click on it and it did even work. sadly here my stupdity came into play when i realised i had forgot to flip the picture and it was sideways.
along with my stupidity and bloggers buginess there is one other possible explanation this being the incredible ability of moroccan computers to fail in any circumstance. they are fragile little beasts the last one crashed from me spiteing it with the controversial act of putting a cd into the cd player. and the internet connections are not much better than the computers, infact theyre worse. oh well i guess i should be just glad theres so many cheap internet cafes and be happy that i can, sometimes, use email and anyway i didnt come to morocco to sit in front of a computer all day.
well the point of this winge is there wont be any pictures at least till i hit europe again.

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